We’ve created custom AI tools for clients, like an AI compliance advisor to help Canadian businesses navigate regulations. If you’ve got something specific in mind, we can figure out how to make it happen.
We built Bunni.ai - an AI powered tool that lets you summarise and pull out information from your PDF's.
AI doesn’t have to be complicated. We’ll help you get exactly what you need, without overcomplicating things
Got an idea or a problem AI could solve? Let’s chat and see what we can do.
Senior Software Developer and AI Engineer
I have been developing software commerc ially for over 20 years with open source, primarily with PHP. I believe project success comes down primarily to clarity of communication.
I’m currently building and launching my own AI applications on the side. Using AI had enabled me to increase technical productivity in projects we work on.
Redkey Digital Ltd, Poole, UK
UK Company: 06229912
VAT: 918963576
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